Thursday 20 November 2014

Compound and complex sentence worksheet.

Test your knowledge of compound and complex sentences with this printable worksheet and answer sheet .

Sentence structure.

Try these games to check how you structure your sentences.

Punctuation Games

Try some of these games to help with your punctuation.

Worksheet on Commas

If you would like to practice commas, tap on the link below.
This worksheet can be printed off.Your English teacher will happily mark this for you or bring it to Mrs.Keen or Mrs. Higginbottom.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Constructing sentences, punctuation and speech marks.

Here are 3 clips to help with sentence structure.

  • The first one is a little tricky, listen carefully, it tells you clever things to do when writing to describe.
  • The second clip is a humorous look at punctuation !
  • The third clip is a quick reminder of how to use speech marks.      (copy and paste this link to watch the clips)


Welcome to our Blog.

We will be posting games, websites and worksheets to help you with many aspects of writing.

If you want any help. do not hesitate to comment and we will add resources that will help you.